Classic Movie Review: Ordinary People

Best Picture: #53Original Release Date:  September 19, 1980Rating: RRuntime: 2 hours, 4 minutesDirector:  Robert Redford Quick Impressions:My mother loved Ordinary People.  She would often watch her favorite films again and again, turning them on for background noise while she did housework, and giving them her full attention only occasionally.  She’d …


Rating:  TV-MARuntime: 1 hour, 56 minutesDirector: Joe Penna Quick Impressions:Though we were considering watching Eddie Izzard and Judi Dench thwart the Nazis, or Benedict Cumberbatch spy on the Russians, we ultimately landed on this Netflix Original space drama because 1) It looked vaguely compelling, and 2) It was free. If …

The White Tiger

Rating: RRuntime: 2 hours, 5 minutesDirector: Ramin Bahrani Quick Impressions:The day the BAFTA nominations were announced, I skimmed various posts covering the topic on my phone while sitting in on my son’s kindergarten class.  Because I’ve been more out of it than usual in this oddest of awards seasons, I …

My Octopus Teacher

Rating: GRuntime: 1 hour, 25 minutesDirectors: Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed Quick Impressions:When I found out My Octopus Teacher was actually about an octopus, I had to see it. Maybe you’re asking, “What else would it be about, Sarah?” Well, you see, when I first heard of the film, I …

The Father

Rating: PG-13Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutesDirector:  Florian Zeller Quick Impressions:What a sad movie!  I don’t know where to begin!  If Chadwick Boseman hadn’t tragically died young of cancer, I’ll bet the Oscar discussion right now would be, “Boseman is fantastic in his first nominated performance, but Anthony Hopkins is raw …

Classic Movie Review: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Best Picture: # 48Original Release Date: November 19, 1975Rating: RRuntime: 2 hours, 13 minutesDirector: Milos Formos Quick Impressions:I’ve never read Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and this was my first time watching the film, but I did see the stage play in high school when my …

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