Gran Turismo

Rating: PG-13 Runtime: 2 hours, 15 minutes Director: Neil Blomkamp Writers: Jason Hall, Zach Baylin, Alex Tse Quick Impressions:Movies would sell more tickets and get better audience reviews if they all included a Q&A with the production team afterwards. Live Q&As don’t happen too often around here, but a pre-recorded …

Classic Movie Review: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Best Picture: # 76Original Release Date: December 17, 2003Rating:  PG-13Runtime:  3 hours, 21 minutesDirector:  Peter Jackson Quick Impressions:“One does not simply walk into Mordor.”  Everyone knows that.  Similarly, one does not simply watch The Return of the King.  You can’t start there.  The Lord of the Rings is one story.  …

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