Classic Movie Review: Out of Africa

Best Picture: #58Original Release Date:  December 20, 1985Rating: PGRuntime: 2 hours, 41 minutesDirector: Sydney Pollack Quick Impressions:Autobiographical writing is difficult to do well.  I remember once having a conversation with my daughter in the park about which is true, fiction or non-fiction.  I told her, “It really depends.  Non-fiction can …

Classic Movie Review: Ordinary People

Best Picture: #53Original Release Date:  September 19, 1980Rating: RRuntime: 2 hours, 4 minutesDirector:  Robert Redford Quick Impressions:My mother loved Ordinary People.  She would often watch her favorite films again and again, turning them on for background noise while she did housework, and giving them her full attention only occasionally.  She’d …

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