Classic Movie Review: Terms of Endearment

Best Picture: #56Original Release Date: December 9, 1983Rating: PGRuntime: 2 hours, 12 minutesDirector:  James L. Brooks Quick Impressions:For her own capricious and mysterious reasons, my grandma could not stand Shirley MacLaine.  (She had bafflingly strong feelings about actors. If it hadn’t been for Lauren Bacall, who miraculously escaped her wrath, …

Classic Movie Review: Around the World in 80 Days

Best Picture: #29Original Release Date: October 17, 1956Rating: GRuntime: 2 hours, 47 minutesDirector:  Michael Anderson Quick Impressions:“Is this a children’s movie?” my daughter would ask in concern every few minutes. “I don’t think they would have conceived of it that way at the time,” I kept answering.  “It has an …

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