Classic Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire

Best Picture: #81 Original Release Date: November 12, 2008Rating: RRuntime: 2 hoursDirector: Danny Boyle Quick Impressions:Slumdog Millionaire is a much different watch after you’ve had a successful run on a gameshow. Now that I’ve been on Jeopardy!, one of these scenes engendered a greater sense of panic in me than …


Rating: RRuntime: 1 hour, 32 minutesDirector: Lila Neugebauer Quick Impressions:I watched this movie entirely for Brian Tyree Henry’s Oscar nominated supporting performance. Going in, I was pretty biased in the film’s favor because I always like Brian Tyree Henry, and I’m thrilled he finally got an Oscar nomination. (Finally seems …

Classic Movie Review: Midnight Cowboy

Best Picture: #42Original Release Date:Rating: R (Originally X)Runtime: 1 hour, 53 minutesDirector: John Schlesinger Quick Impressions:This week we spent fifty-nine hours without power, including one night when the temperature outside was six degrees for several hours. During that time, I couldn’t use a computer, but I still did plenty of …

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